We can get you there.

If you’re here today that means you’re ready to be your best self.

How Sam Works

  • Dedicated Personal Concierge

    A dedicated live-on-the-phone/or on camera concierge: assigned to each client’s preferences and based on a variety of other factors like age, geography, and culture. No bots here.

  • One-to-One Sessions

    One-to-one sessions with licensed, professional coaches and advisors based on YOUR unique needs, journey and situation.

  • A Private Community Platform

    Talk about what you’re working on or through with a safe and private community of other clients who not only understand but who are going through it right alongside of you.

  • One Mobile Experience

    We created the Sam app to provide you with a seamless experience all in one place. Schedule sessions, message your concierge, or chat with the community using one mobile app.

There is so much noise: offering all types of “helpful” services and leaving you to navigate through it all.

Finding the right guidance can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. It is challenging to discern true value.

That’s why we created Sam.

To make it easier for you to get the help you need with the experience you deserve.